
Save on booking fees and book direct!

Click the relevant button above for a full list of prices for that year.

Secure Booking App

If the dates you are interested in are within the next twelve months, you can use our secure booking app below:

Check Availability And BOOK DIRECT Below Via Our Secure Booking App:

Prices calculated automatically. Bookings can be made up to twelve months in advance via the app. For bookings further ahead please use the enquiry form.

NO Commission, NO Guest Service Charge
NO Booking Fee, NO Cleaning Fee
Book Direct and Save £100’s!

How To Book

  1. Enter your dates and the number of guests in total,
  2. Click search to check availability. The price is calculated automatically.
  3. If you intend bringing pets you can add them to your booking.
  4. Complete the form to book and check your inbox for our confirmation email. That’s it!
The East Wing At Rufford Park Lodge

NB: If the currency displayed initially is not your local or preferred one, you can change it on the confirmation page.

If you are unable to get a price for your desired dates, they are further in the future, or you want to make more than one booking, please use the Enquiry Form below.

Cancellation Policy Review Awards 2025 9.3 Score

“The East Wing at Rufford Park Lodge was great for everything we needed. It was a great location for a local wedding venue Hazel Gap Barn. It also had great facilities for our group who were staying, we had everything we needed and the hot tub was a great addition. The bedrooms were very comfortable and there was lots of space for everyone who stayed. When we arrived everything was exceptionally clean and well looked after. We very much enjoyed our stay and would be back!”

Stripe Secure Bookings Payments

Secure credit and debit card payment
Secure payment powered by Stripe: debit & credit cards accepted

Payment can be made by bank transfer, credit or debit card, for deposit and balance payments.

For last minute deals please see Late-Availability. If you have any questions or special requirements, please use our Enquiry Form or see our contact details below.

Minimum Stay:

Mondays to Thursdays – minimum four nights peak, three nights off-peak.

Example: If your check-in day is a peak-season Wednesday, the earliest check-out day will be Sunday.

Fridays to Sundays – minimum three nights peak, two nights off-peak.

For shorter stays or staggered work-related bookings, please use our Enquiry Form

We accept bookings for any Friday to Monday, Monday to Friday, Friday to Friday or Saturday to Saturday. Some peak dates in August, Christmas and New Year are a fixed price for up to 7 nights.

Availability Calendar

Group Pay And Instalments

Booking Enquiry Form


The East Wing
Rufford Park Lodge
Park Lodge Drive
NG22 9HB


Donna Searle and Derek Armstrong

Tel: 07956 246966


Please email us in the first instance if you have any questions, special requests or requirements.

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